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akg2316433 In der umfassenden Fotodokumentation "Gastland Bundesrepublik Deutschland" von 1983/84 beschäftigt sich die Fotografin mit der Daseinsberechtigung von Zoos Ansicht und deren zuweilen brutalen und naturfremden Architektur. In erschreckender Weise wird gezeigt, wie Tiere zur Schau gestellt werden in einer ihnen nicht Art gerechten Umgebung. Die Tiere wirken in den Bildern zum Teil apathisch bis depressive und gelangweilt in einer zuweilen klinisch antiseptischen Umgebung.
akg4250254 Eva Cassirer about 1965. Eva Cassirer, born 1885 as Eva Solmitz, 1909 she married Kurt Cassirer. Between 1915 and 1934 she worked at the Odenwaldschule. During the Second World War, they emigrated after England. In 1946 they returned to Germany and led the Odenwaldschule until the beginning of the seventies. Eva Cassirer died in 1974.
akg4999844 Muschelfarmer bei der Ernte. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999845 Ein Muschelfarmer bei der Ernte. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999846 French fishermen on the beach while trailers of their fishing boats, 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999847 French fishermen unloading of shells in the port of Normandy, 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999853 Ein Fischer und sein Hund beim Trailern in der Normandie im August 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999850 Fisherman trailering his motorboat in Normandy, 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999849 Man in the fishing port in Normandy, 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999851 French fishermen trailing their boat in Normandy, 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999852 Fischer bei der Arbeit in der Normandie. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4999848 French shellfish unloading of shells in the port in Normandy, 1991. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4284941 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XVII: Final Picture. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4283920 Wassily Kandinsky; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture 2: Gnomus. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284126 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture VI: Tuileries. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284129 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture VI: Tuileries. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284197 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture VII: Bydlo. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284296 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Figure XIII + XIV: Catabombae + Con mortuis in lingua mortua. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284214 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture VIII + IX: Promenade and ballet of the chickens in their eggshells. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284127 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture VI: Tuileries. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284279 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XII: Market square of Limoges. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284071 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture IV: The old castle. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284235 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture X: Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284013 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture III: Promenade. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284058 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture IV: The old castle. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284085 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture V: Promenade. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284080 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture IV: The old castle. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284348 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XV: Hut of the Baba Yaga. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284339 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XV: Hut of the Baba Yaga. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4284325 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XV: Hut of the Baba Yaga. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information. -.
akg4253418 Portrait of Peter Arthur Römer (born March 4, 1893 in Urft / Eifel, † December 7, 1957 in Bad Salzuflen) Photo around 1920. Shot probably in Natal, South Africa. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg5536023 Trader at the Damascus Gate in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, 1989.
akg5536022 Trader at the Damascus Gate in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel 1989.
akg4162651 Copy of the birth certificate and baptismal certificate for Emma Maria Krusmeyer around 1910 Magdeburg Neustadt, Anhalt, Germany. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg4284391 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XVI: The great gate of Kiev. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information.
akg4284374 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XVI: The great gate of Kiev. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information.
akg4284386 Kandinsky, Wassily; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture XVI: The great gate of Kiev. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA and Spain. Please contact us for additional information.
akg4297363 Men at the grape press in winemaking in Italy around 1985. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4297361 Man at the vintage in Italy around 1985. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4297362 Break at the grape harvest in Italy around 1985. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4297359 Winemaking with Spindelkelter in Italy around 1985. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg4283724 Wassily Kandinsky; Russian painters and graphic artists, Moscow 4.12.1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine 13.12.1944. Works: Scenic performance of "Pictures of an exhibition" (1874) by Modest Mussorgski (premiere: Friedrich-Theater, Dessau, 4.4.1928). Picture I: Promenade. Reconstruction of the premiere, Berlin, Academy of Arts, Studio, (Production: Berliner Festwochen, Hochschule der Künste, Academy of Arts, students of the stage of stage studies at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, artistic direction: Martin Rupprecht; Piano: Marcus Creed) Performance: 15.-19. December 1983. Copyright: Additional copyrights may need to be cleared on this image when licensed for use by clients in the USA. Please contact us for additional information.
akg4162647 Passenger list and layout SS United States 1952 on the way from Le Havre in Normandy after New York in August 1952. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg4162649 Day and menu on the SS United States 1952 on the way from Le Havre in Normandy after New York, USA. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg5536020 Street trade in front of the Damascus Gate in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, 1989.
akg5536017 Faithful on the way to prayer in the mosque in Jerusalem, 1989.
akg5536019 Street trade in front of the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, 1989.
akg5536026 Empty streets and graffiti on the house walls during the first Intifada 1989 in Israeli.
akg4297360 Wine making in Italy around 1985. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg5836613 The Wasserschloss House Marck is a manor house in the city of Tecklenburg in the Tecklenburger Land. The preliminary negotiations for the Peace of Westphalia, which was to end the Thirty Years' War, took place in 1643 on House Marck. 1986.
akg5536021 Old tombs at the gates of Jerusalem. View over a large cemetery, Israel 1989.
akg5536009 The Kidron Valley, also known as Jehoshat Valley in the section between Temple Mount and Mount of Olives, is a small valley separating the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem.
akg5536028 Fields and houses of Bethlehem in Israel, 1989.
akg5536016 View over the roofs of Jerusalem on the Dome of the Rock, 1989.
akg5536010 The Kidron Valley, in the section between Temple Mount and Mount of Olives also called Jehoshat Valley, is a small valley that covers the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem.
akg5536015 View of the old city of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock, 1989.
akg5536013 View of the old city of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock, 1989.
akg5836614 Water bridge with gate entrance to the house Marck. The preliminary negotiations for the Peace of Westphalia, which was to end the Thirty Years' War, took place in 1643 on Haus Marck. 1983.
akg2316356 View of the Havel River near Werder, from the series "Migration through Mark Brandenburg", 1990.
akg2316463 View of the Schwielowsee, from the series "Wandering through Mark Brandenburg", 1990.
akg5536012 The tomb of the Abschalom in the Kidron valley. The Kidron Valley, also known as Jehoshat Valley in the section between Temple Mount and Mount of Olives, is a small valley separating the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem.
akg5536011 The Tomb of the Prophet Zechariah in the Kidron Valley, also called Jehoshat Valley in the section between Temple Mount and Mount of Olives, is a small valley separating the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem.
akg5536029 Fishmonger in the bazaar with young Jewish customers shopping, Israel 1989.
akg5536024 Arabs in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel 1989.
akg5536025 A clergyman in the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel 1989.
akg5536027 Un poste de police bien sécurisé à Bethléem.
akg5536018 Orthodox Jew on the way to prayer at the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel 1989.
akg5536014 View over the old city of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock in Israeli.
akg5535990 View over New Jerusalem, 1989.
akg5535993 In the bazaar of Jerusalem in the time of the Intifada.
akg5535994 Jew at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, Israeli.
akg5535991 Footwashing before the prayer on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israeli.
akg5535996 The Kidron Valley, in the section between Temple Mount and Mount of Olives also called Joshaphat Valley, is a small valley that forms the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem, 1989.
akg5535992 On the Temple Mount at the Dome of the Rock in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israeli.
akg5535995 Old man on the Temple Mount on the way to the El Agsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem. 1989.
akg5535989 Ethiopian monastery on the roof of the Holy Sepulcher in the old city of Jerusalem, Israeli.
akg4162666 Menu and menu of the Andrea Doria from 25 July 1953 on the way from New York after Italy. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg4162665 Tourist-class menu and menu on the Andrea Doria from 25 July 1953 on the way from New York after Italy. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg2316455 The Brandenburger Roland is a symbol and stood as a sign of medieval legal order in the city of Brandenburg, from the series "Wandering through Mark Brandenburg".
akg2374277 A watchtower of the GDR border troops and wall remainders at the Berlin wall, from the series "Metamorphose" 1990. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2374268 Wire and remains of walls at the Berlin Wall, from the series "Metamorphose" 1990. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2374281 A building and watchtower of the GDR border troops and wall remainders at the Berlin wall, from the series "Metamorphose" 1990. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2194037 Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Wall during the night of 9 to 10 November 1989 (opening of the borders of the GDR to the west: Thousands of East Berliners flock to the Kurfürstendamm in West Berlin). People on the Berlin Wall by the Brandenburg Gate. Photo, 9th November 1989. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2194057 GDR citizens in the center of West Berlin shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2316371 Bus stop on Ostpreußendamm in Berlin-Lichterfelde in winter, from the series "Aspetti di Berlino", 1982. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg5836612 The Wasserschloss House Marck is a manor house in the city of Tecklenburg in the Tecklenburger Land. The preliminary negotiations for the Peace of Westphalia, which was to end the Thirty Years' War, took place in 1643 on House Marck. 1983.
akg2316377 Berlin (Germany). A winter scene in West Berlin: Christmas tree. Photo, 1982. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2316374 Christmas at the underground station Wittenbergplatz, from the series "Aspetti di Berlino", 1982. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2316362 The Schloßstr in Berlin-Steglitz in winter, from the series "Aspetti di Berlino", 1981. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2316363 A shopping street in Berlin Steglitz in winter, from the series "Aspetti di Berlino", 1981. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg4162652 Lifeguard certificate (certificate) of the city of Rochester around 1952, USA. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg4162648 Dinner menu and menu of the SS United States on the way from Le Havre in France after New York, USA, 1952. Copyright: EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
akg2316370 Subway station in Kreuzberg in winter at night, from the series "Aspetti di Berlino", 1982. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2194052 On the border with East Berlin after the fall of the Wall on Potsdamer Platz in November 1989. Photo. Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2316386 Potsdamer Straße corner Bülowstraße in the district Tiergarten on the border to Schöneberg. From the series "Aspetti di Berlino". Author: HILDEGARD OCHSE.
akg2316360 East Berlin after the turn of the spring of 1990, from the series "Wandering through Mark Brandenburg" in 1990.
akg2316389 The St. Thomas Church in Berlin-Kreuzberg belongs and serves a community of the United Protestant Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia, Kreuzberg, photography. From the series "West Berlin churches" in the 80s.
akg2316375 West Germany / Berlin:. Winter in West Berlin: Lockers at the train station 'Zoologischer Garten'. Photo, Berlin, undated.
akg2316397 Protestant Tabor parish, West Berlin churches in the 80s. The Protestant Tabor Church in Berlin's Kreuzberg district of the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg was built in the years 1903 after 1905 along with parish and rectory to Plènen of the cathedral architect Ernst Schwartzkopff. From the series "West Berlin churches" in the 80s.
akg2316373 Street Scene at the Yorkbrücken in Berlin Schöneberg, from the series "Aspetti di Berlino", 1982.

Total de Resultados: 315

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